Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Midwinter Day's Nightmare, aka: Shakespeare vs. Family Guy (part I)

Having run out of passes, the principal of a local high school fashioned this badge for me out of a post-it note. The line between being a creepy interloper and a visiting teacher had never been so paper thin.

I had accepted a desperate plea to help direct a scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I say desperate because the dictionary, by which I mean a website, defines “desperate” as “reckless or dangerous…extremely bad; intolerable or shocking.” And that’s exactly how the students behaved.

Teaching children’s martial arts classes taught me to discover my inner harsh disciplinarian; conversely, I’ve learned to be warm and encouraging while directing youth theater. This time, I had to do both at the same time.

Me: Okay, now try a little something funny. How about a funny bow after you say your line?
A Seventh Grader: I don’t want to. (puts on I-pod ear buds)
Me: You have to. Is that clear? Excuse me? I asked you a question.
A Seventh Grader: This is stupid!
Me: Do it or go to the office. Do a funny bow.
(He does so, glaring.)

The scene was what Shakespearians call “The Dumb Show.” While I have seen, and directed, renditions in which enterprising actors can save the piece with outlandish physical comedy, I’ve also always secretly thought it was a little, well, dumb. Let’s just say there’s a lot of eggcorn humor.


AdvertisingLHath said...

So, I decided tonight that I would start speaking only in acronyms and my first one I found to use was, LOLUSA (laugh out loud until sides ache). When I said it, my roommate couldn't find the meaning on google. When I later looked it up, I found your blog and was enthralled. Just wanted to let you know, we both have been laughing for quite a bit at your posts. Especially the ATM one "receicpt"

Love It!

Aaron Kagan said...

Hey, thanks advertisinglhath! Glad you're enjoying the posts. There will be plenty more, so spread the word.