Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bizarre Google Hits III

It's that time again! Thanks to my site meter, here are actual search terms that have brought people to this blog. And in a vicious circle, once I post them, if anyone googles them again, they'll only be more prominently listed. You might say that looking for information about "funny refrigeration" and ending up at LOL, USA is the modern day rolling a rock up a hill only to watch it come back down.

Without further ado:

-Fluidity exercise bar craigslist new jersey
-baby powder on my vagina
-Funny refrigeration
-Pictures of chafing on the vaginal area
-adult novelty shop I-90 Massachusetts
-Vagine bizarre (from google france)
-Locked inside cheesequake park
-Vagina chafing cream
-cowboy strippers
-I have a mole on my vagina
-cream coming out of my vagina

I've said it before and I'll say it again: am I really the only person on the internet who has written (one word, one time) about genitalia?

In conclusion, here's my personal favorite:

a hideous jewess lay with me


Laura said...

i tagged you in my blog.

make it hot, ok?!

Aaron Kagan said...

I tagged you too! (Tagging just means linking, right?) Thanks!

Laura said...

well, i linked to you, too. but also i did one of those god-awful seven weird fact entries and you're supposed to ask your friends to do it, too. come on aaron, i'd like to know seven facts about YOU.

Aaron Kagan said...

1. If I were to take any class right now, it would be on wilderness survival.
2. I'm into container gardening.
3. I go to acupuncture.
4. I wish I had a recycled vegetable oil vehicle.
5. I'm scared of ghosts.
6. Loud noises can make me go crazy.
7. I've been to every (continental) state.